Suomalainen Uusi Peruna

How to boil new potatoes

Brush potatoes clean. Boil water and add coarse-grained salt, one teaspoon per each litre of water. Put potatoes in the water, larger ones first and smaller ones last. Drain excess water, so that potatoes are just beneath the surface.

Cook for 10-20 minutes, depending on size of potatoes. Check if potatoes are done with the help of e.g. a toothpick. Drain pan and return to hotplate for a moment to evaporate excess moisture.

Place a clean cloth or paper towel in pan to absorb moisture. Put the lid on. When ready, garnish potatoes with fresh dill and serve.


Reetta’s favorite sauce for new season potatoes

One pot of sour cream + a pinch of salt + a bunch of red spring onions. Voilà!


Lilu’s better sandwich

If  you happen to have potatoes in such abundance that you can bear to leave a few to cool off, spread a thin layer of butter onto a slice of rye bread, cut up slices of new season potato on top, add a pinch of salt and enjoy!


We Finns think a nice schnapps and a song go well together with almost anything, and definitely with the delicious new potatoes.

Just a mouthful of vodka

(mel. Just a spoonful of sugar..)

Just a mouthful of vodka
will make everything go down,
everything go do-own,
everything go down.
Just a mouthful of vodka
will make everything go down,
in a most delightful way!
